This video, produced for the California Department of Health, introduces a “systems” approach toward health improvement. A narrow emphasis on medical issues only, to give just one example, would not reveal that a lack of grocery stores selling fresh fruits and vegetables in a given neighborhood, will effect the long term health of the residents of that neighborhood. Narrated by Carl Anthony. Produced and directed by Paloma Pavel.
Earth House Horizon
Over the past two decades, Earth House has collaborated with a wide range of individuals and institutions to produce and enhance a significant body of books, videos and conferences. We invite you to review our projects and products with a focus on....
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Recent News & Resources
The Carl Anthony Legacy -- Urban Habitat 25th Anniversary
Book Launch and Community Dialogue in NYC
Superintendent Sheila Jordan Receives 2014 Carl Anthony Legacy Award presented by Genesis
Breakthrough Communities Frontline News
Forgiveness Challenge Invitation
Giant Win for 6-Big-Wins Social Equity Network