Building Climate Justice
& Just Resilience
M. Paloma Pavel, PhD
With Carl Anthony and Guests

Saturday Sept. 20 10am
Milano School of International Affairs The New School, Manhattan
55 W. 13th St. Room 205,
Dorothy Hirshon Suite

10:00 am Refreshments and Reception
10:30 am -12:00 pm Book Signing and Community Dialogue

Join us for the launch of the 20th anniversary edition of Random Kindness and Senseless Acts of Beauty, with a Foreword by Desmond Tutu, and for a community dialogue on building Climate Justice and Just Resilience. M. Paloma Pavel and Carl Anthony (co-founders of Breakthrough Communities) are traveling from California to New York to host this event for UN Climate Week. Guests include Lynne Elizabeth of New Village Press, more to be announced.

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