In the center of the storm.
Photo: U.S. Navy
The "Voices from the Storm" performance and event at Oakland Tech, ​March 17 at 7PM,​ brings life to the stories of communities of color that were affected by Hurricane Katrina. Check out the Katrina Bill of Rights, from our archives, put out by the African-American Leadership Project: This document demands that the restoration of our cities equitably involve and include displaced communities of color.

Currently, we are working with the Resilient Communities Initiative to prepare for the effects of climate change in the Bay Area. In particular, we are learning about levies and other infrastructure being adapted for future sea level rise in vulnerable and underserved communities.

For further information about natural disasters, city planning, and race, stay tuned for Carl's forthcoming book, "The Earth, The City and the Hidden Narrative of Race"
More info about the event in our newsletter:

Also,please join us for an arts and culture dialogue after the
"Voices from the Storm" event, meet Carl and learn about how these themes are connected to his forthcoming book. 

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